
为和好过程的准备程度:印尼华侨基督教徒的个案|Readiness level for Reconciliation Process: Case of Chinese Indonesian Christians

2014-10-29 15:23:30 作者:Rev. Robby i Chandra and Julia (印度尼西亚西爪哇岛的基督教会,前身为中华基督教会)(The Indonesian Christian Church of west Ja

Abstract:Chinese Indonesianshave been through repeated stereotyping and discrimination that led to anti-Chineseviolence.  The last four Indonesian governmentslearn to be more neutral in their perception toward the Chinese Indonesians which indicates the beginning of a reconciliation process. This study explores how much residue of trauma still influences the Chinese Indonesians to step into the reconsiliation process. Using a questionnaire, 176 respondents varied in terms of age (from 15 to 50 years old), city, educational background (from high school to porstgraduate), ethnic background (Chinese or non-Chinese), and religion (Christian or non-Christian) were asked whether in the future, it would still probable that the Chinese Indonesian Christians will become the target again whenever a riot takes place.  In addition, they also need to describe the reason underlying their view. Results show that the respondents still perceive themselves could be the target of violence whenever a riot takes place. Their perception, while not affected by where they live, background in education, and age, is influenced whether or not they are Christians. The Chinese Indonesian Christians view the future more pessimistic compared with the non-Chinese Christians or with the non-Chinese Indonesians. Furtherqualitative analysis on the reasonsgiven by the respondents showsthe presence of  fear and stereotyping.  In short, the readiness level for reconciliation needs to be improved or alleviated, a task that the church might not be aware of asChinese Indonesian Churches have not openly discussed the need of reconciliation, let alone to prepare a systematic process to deal with the residue of trauma or the opportunity to foster reconciliation.

本文标题: 为和好过程的准备程度:印尼华侨基督教徒的个案|Readiness level for Reconciliation Process: Case of Chinese Indonesian Christians

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