
南市难民区的建立和国际人道法的订立 | Establishment of the Nanshi refugee district and legislation of the international humanitarian law

2014-10-29 09:57:18 作者:张 化 Prof.Zhang Hua (上海社会科学院宗教研究所) (The Religion Research Institute of Shanghai Academy of Social

关键词:饶家驹 难民区 国际人道法 耶稣会士

Abstract: With the mediation of French priest, Catholic Jesuits, Jacquinot, Nanshi refugee district was established and existed in Shanghai from 9th November 1937 to 30th June 1940. This article expounds the process of how Jacquinot signed irregular agreements with China and Japan using a series of white lies and established the refugee district based on these agreements. I introduces the overview the refugee district. This article analyses why forces of different countries in Shanghai, such as China, Japan, UK, USA and France, agreed to establish the refugee district based on factors such as diplomacy, military, religious, international humanitarian movement, concession, trend of thought in Japan and personal reasons of Jacquinot. Especially, I emphasises the reason why Japanese government signed the agreement during the “8.13” Battle of Shanghai and the Japanese troops would make Nanjing Massacre in one month time. I also analyses how different forces made their trade-off between moralities and benefits. Finally, I expounds the meaning of Nanshi refugee district as a successful case in the legislation of the international humanitarian law and humanitarian salvation.

本文标题:南市难民区的建立和国际人道法的订立 | Establishment of the Nanshi refugee district and legislation of the international humanitarian law

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