

2013-06-17 14:16:17 作者:信德文化研究所






1.   历史、现状、经验
2.   面临的困难问题与挑战
3.   法律框架与政策保障
4.   历史和海外经验及媒体关注
5.   与社会收养经验比较
6.   未来与展望









     据民政部网消息,2013年5月14日 民政部、国家发展和改革委员会、公安部、司法部、财政部、国家卫生和计划生育委员会和国家宗教事务局(七部委/局)联合签发了《关于进一步做好其应相关工作的通知》,《通知》对于宗教界收养弃婴作出原则性规定:

 “关于宗教界收留的弃婴,由民政部、国家宗教事务局在调研基础上,另行制定相关意见,加强引导,规范管理。条件成熟的,由地方民政部门商同级宗教事务部门提出稳妥处理意见,先行一步。” (二)


英文征文启事(Call for Papers)见下一页


Call for Papers

A Conference on Faith-Based NGOs and Adoption of Abandoned Children

Following the Jan. 4th fire disaster at Yuan Lihai’s Orphaned Children’s House in Lankao County of Henan, the issues related to the non-governmental custody and care of the Orphaned, Abandoned and Handicapped Children, as well as the current status of the individually and privately run institutes of this nature caused widely attention from the society at large. The National Civil Affairs Bureau also launched nation-wide investigation. According to the survey published by the National Civil Affairs Bureau on March 1st, there are 878 individually and privately run institutes for the Orphaned, Abandoned and Handicapped Children in China. Among them, 134 are run by individuals, 583 are by religious institutes, and together they are raising 9394 Orphaned, Abandoned and Handicapped Children. These figures indicate that the non-governmental institutes have been shouldering a considerable portion of responsibility in raising the Orphaned, Abandoned and Handicapped Children. The Faith-Based NGOs have especially been playing an important role and contributing quite a lot to the task of raising the Orphaned, Abandoned and Handicapped Children.

In order to share the experiences of non-governmental efforts in raising the Orphaned, Abandoned and Handicapped Children, and to explore the future and outlet for the civilian-run institutes of this nature, the Faith Institute for Cultural Studies is to organize a conference on "the Faith-Based NGOs and Adoption / Custody of the Orphaned, Abandoned and Handicapped Children"  from October 26-27, 2013 . This Conference is to invite scholars and experts, media people, as well as individuals and institutes dedicated to the raising and care of the Orphaned, Abandoned and Handicapped Children. Papers with regard to the following topics are welcome: 

A)    Orphaned, Abandoned and Handicapped Children

B)    Aiding the Orphaned, Abandoned and Handicapped Children and their livelihood

C)    The Pros and Cons of the non-governmental institutes for the Orphaned, Abandoned and Handicapped Children and their livelihood

D)    The policy and direction for raising and caring the Orphaned, Abandoned and Handicapped Children and their livelihood

E)    Discussion points: How the non-governmental institutes, especially those with religious background, cooperate with the government agencies and current policy.

F)     Sharing of the history of each institutes, the current status of Orphaned, Abandoned and Handicapped Children and their livelihood, as well as experiences in caring their physical, spiritual and emotional needs.


For those who wish to participate, welcome to register first!  Please send the title and abstract of your paper with your brief resume before the 1st of August 2013. After receiving the abstarct of your papper, we will contact you as soon as possible. The completed paper  (or the personal sharing with your expereince in the fied) shall be e-mailed to us before Oct. 1st. Contact person is Sr. Mary Shen with the e-mail: or 

Faith Institute for Cultural Studies

 June 8, 2013


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