

—— Biblical and Pastoral Reflections on the Impact of Urbanization on Christians in China

2013-09-12 10:55:04 作者:张文西 信德文化研究所常务副所长 教区负责人 来源:信德网


This article looks at the significant phenomenon of urbanization in China, and its impact on Chinese Christians focusing on Catholics. The author highlights pastoral challenges that urbanization brings to Christians in China. From the reality of urbanization the author reflects on models of caring for migrants from a biblical viewpoint. He then proposes creative ways of providing pastoral care to migrant workers drawn from these reflections. A sense of urgency is needed among church leaders as people face the ongoing process of the urbanization of the Chinese population, if not indifference might well result in a two-generation vacuum in faith.

Key words
urbanization, migrant workers, Chinese Christians, pastoral care, models.


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