

2013-09-13 11:34:05 作者:施麦克


  波兰教友弥撒团体成立于1998年,当时是在几个教友家举行弥撒。 2004年后每个主日弥撒在波兰大使馆举行,参加弥撒的都是波兰的教友和他们的家属,人数在30到40人之间。2013年初有3个孩子第一次领了圣体,先后有7个青年人领了坚振圣事。
   波兰教友每年两次积极参加慈善活动,大家把不需要穿的衣物洗干净后,送来教堂,然后安排义工重新分类 ,送到需要帮助的孤儿和老人手中。因为不少波兰病人喜欢来华接受中医的治疗, 波兰弥撒团全体成员在精神关怀上及信仰上也照顾他们。近年中国几家造船厂为一家波兰PZM海运公司制造30多条新船,波兰教会人士参加了命名和祝福仪式。

Polish Mass community in Beijing provides a Polish Mass, which is held every Sunday. The community was established in the nineties. Originally Polish mass was held only during festivals and important church feasts. Since April 1998 the mass is celebrated every Sunday. In years 1998 till 2004 the mass was held at different locations usually hosted by different families. Since 2004 Polish mass community received a permission to use facilities at the first floor of a guest house at Polish embassy at Ri Tan Rd. The number of people attending the mass amounts to 30 on regular Sundays and above 40 on feastdays. Since some Polish Catholics cannot speak English or Chinese (especially small kids) mass in Polish language is valuable to them.
The mass is restricted to Polish passport holders and their families. There are two collections during the celebration:  one for the upkeep of the Church and one for poor children.  Both collections are done simultaneously.
Children enrolled in grade two receive instructions for First Communion. The number of candidates for First Communion varies from 3 to 4 every year. Also    Confirmation candidates attend a series of special classes to learn about the sacrament, their faith and Christian responsibilities. 7 young people received sacrament of confirmation in year 2013. Twice a year (before Easter and Christmas) community takes care of the poor providing several orphanages in Hebei, Shanxi and Gansu with clothing and toys.
The community also attends to the spiritual needs of Polish citizens who come to China (Beijing, Shijiazhuang, Tianjin) for traditional Chinese medicine and experimental cancer treatment.
Members or the community reach out to Polish citizens and companies working in China and participates in different events like boat naming ceremonies and christening of the vessels manufactured in Chinese shipyards.


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