
上海圣彼得堂抗战时期人道主义的救助活动 | On the Humanitarian Relief Activities of St. Peter’s Church in Shanghai During the Anti-Japanese War

2014-10-29 09:53:10 作者:段琦 Prof. Duan qi (中国社科院世界宗教研究所) (The Institute of World Religions,Chinese Academy of Social Scienc








Abstract: St. Peter’s Church in Shanghai originally belongs to the Anglican Church and it was officially built in 1899. This church made a lot of work since the September 18th Incident in 1931. In particular, the church did all it can do to accept refugees in the January 28th Incident of 1932 and the August 13th Incident of 1937, during the before and after which the church harbored more than two thousands refugees. The church offered donations of money and materials to the regions of the three northeast provinces and other disaster areas; and also gave out the half-priced rice to the church believers out of poverty, as extending its regards to the front soldiers as well. Moreover, the Guangren hospital affiliated to the church dispatched some believer nurses to support the mainland.
The church through the following several aspects to raise relief funds and goods: First, to mobilize the believers to donation; Second, to launch the “three yuan save a life” movement; Third, to advocate “the self-control jar”; Fourth, to cut spending to save people, including no Christmas Celebrations; Fifth, to do charity sales by the women fellowship and youth groups. These activities not only raised money and goods to help the refugees, and also enhanced the believers patriotic sentiment of “everybody is responsible for national calamity”.
By describing these humanitarian relief activities of St. Peter’s Church in Shanghai during the anti-Japanese war, this article suggests that the mass of believers had noble patriotic sentiment while the country was faced with a crisis.

本文标题:上海圣彼得堂抗战时期人道主义的救助活动 | On the Humanitarian Relief Activities of St. Peter’s Church in Shanghai During the Anti-Japanese War

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