
电影《一九四二》与教会在抗战期间的贡献和付出 | The Movie “1942”and the Contribution and Sacrifices of the Church during the Sino-Japanese War

2014-10-29 11:13:05 作者:韩清平 Paul Han Qingping (信德文化研究所) (Faith Institute for Cultural Studies)

论文摘要:由冯小刚导演的电影《一九四二》在上映后曾创下票房新高。绝大多数已经看过这部电影的观众,包括本人在内,无不为发生在中原大地上那场悲惨的历史事实而震惊、难过、悲愤、不安。由于该片的历史背景和内容牵涉到许多关于天主教会的部分,2012年年初开拍的地点就选在了山西省霍州市南杜壁教堂,而且影片中有一中、一外两位神父扮演了主要的角色。中国籍神父叫安西满,而外籍神父叫梅干。此人原为Thomas Megan,中文名为米干,影片称呼他为Fr. Megan或梅甘神父,乃来自美国的天主教圣言会会士。

The movie “1942”directed by Feng Xiaogang had ever become very popular for quite some time. Most of the viewers, including I myself, were shocked, saddened, angered and disturbed by the heart-wrenching historical events that had happened on the central land of China. Since the historical background and contents of this movie have a lot to do with the Catholic Church then, it started its filming at Nandubi Catholic church in Huozhou City of Shanxi Province at the beginning of 2012. There are two Catholic priests featured in this movie, one is a Chinese national named Simon An, another one is a foreigner called Fr. Megan, whose original name is Thomas Megan and Chinese name is known as Mi Gan, a Divine Word Missionary (SVD) from the USA.
Megan worked as a missionary first in South Henan Province. In 1936, he was appointed to be the Apostolic Prefect for Xinxiang Prefecture. During his twenty-some years of working and living in Xinxiang, the Japanese soldiers invaded the central part of China and caused a lot of miseries. As an American citizen, though Megan was also chased and persecuted by the Japanese invaders, he and many other foreign missionaries provided all kinds of help and protection for the Chinese refugees. At the same time, as the Movie “1942” depicts, he went along with the refugees from Henan all the way to the neighboring Shaanxi Province. During this time, he served as the chaplain for the American air force and Director for the China’s Moral Service Cooperation in affiliation with the Chinese Nationalist Army.
Taking the Movie “1942” as an introduction and based on the reports and letters written by Megan himself, and on many other related documents as well, this paper intends to review and rediscover the concrete actions taken by the Catholic missionaries like Megan during the Sino-Japanese War. In so doing, it hopes to restore the historical facts seldom known by the general audiences, and to conduct analysis and reflection as well.

本文标题:电影《一九四二》与教会在抗战期间的贡献和付出 | The Movie “1942”and the Contribution and Sacrifices of the Church during the Sino-Japanese War

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