

2013-06-17 14:21:00 作者:信德文化研究所








英文征文启事(Call for Papers)见下一页



Call for Papers

A Seminar  on “Urbanization, Migration and Pastoral Care”

Currently, China's urbanization progress is moving forward with great speed. In the past ten years, China's urbanization developed at the annual rate of 1.35%. In 2011, for the first time, China's total city population exceeded the countryside population.

In the midst of China's fast-paced urbanization, countless people, including Christians, gradually migrated from the rural areas to urban areas, from small cities to large ones, and from one city to another. The migration trend thus has not only created a lot of social problems for both the urban and rural areas, but also brought a series of challenges and opportunities to Church’s evangelization and pastoral care. How can we help the new migrants integrate into the new environment of urban areas? Facing geographic, cultural, and social class differences, how do the community and the church provide loving care? Which pastoral care models and experiences can serve as references? How to give pertinent care for the different circumstances of migrants?
Please refer to the following topics to write your articles or prepare your discussions and sharing:

I.The development trend of urbanization

1.The history of urbanization and its causes
2.The current status of urbanization and its trend
3.The problems caused by urbanization and related responses

II.Pastoral care for the various migrant groups

2.Migrant workers
3.College students

III.Successful experiences of Church’s migrant ministries both in and outside of China

1. Parish organized communities in urban areas
2. Home-town based migrant communities
3. New-types of communities from the rural area to the nearby urban areas
4.Self-organized migrant communities

For those who wish to participate, please send your thesis title, a 200-300 word summary, and personal introduction to Sr. Shen via e-mail at or before August 15th, 2013. The organizers will make a reply within a week. The completed thesis shall be e-mailed before September 1st. Contact phone number: 0311-86860050, then transfer to conference organizing committee.

The Seminar will use Chinese as its working language, and the invited participants should report to Shijiazhuang on September 9th.

You will be promptly notified of further conference information.

Faith Institute for Cultural Studies

                                                                                             June 17, 2013                


Call for Papers and Receipt


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