
2014年10月28日 上午 (河北修院 Hebei Major Seminary)Morning, October 28,2014
开幕式 Opening ceremony
日本天主教主教团主席、东京总教区冈田武夫总主教致与会者的函|The Letter of Archbishop Peter Takeo Okada 日本天主教主教团主席 东京教区总主教 President of Catholic Bishops' Conference of Japan, Archbishop of Tokyo Archdioc
何文生先生致辞|Speech of Mr. Vincent Hermans 何文生先(文致和主教侄外孙、九位致命者的亲朋代表 Dr. Vincent Hermans second cousin of Bishop Frans Schraven, representing th
赵本笃神父在“正定教堂惨案暨宗教界在战时的人道主义救援” 学术研讨会上的致辞| Speech of Fr. Benedict Chao, OCSO 赵本笃神父(香港煕笃会圣母神乐院、文致和主教生前的见证人)Fr. Benedict Chao, OCSO (Our Lady of Joy Abbey, Hong Kong, personal wit
徐以骅教授在“正定教堂惨案暨宗教在战时的人道主义救助” 学术研讨会开幕式上的致辞 | Speech of Dr.XuYihua at the Opening Ceremony 徐以骅教授(复旦大学国际政治系主任、宗教与国际关系研究中心主任)Dr.XuYihua (Professor and Director, Department of International Poli
张海鹏教授在“正定教堂惨案暨宗教在战时的人道主义救助”学术讨论会开幕式上的致辞| Speech of Professor Zhang Haipeng at the Opening Ceremony 张海鹏教授(中国社会科学院学部委员、中国史学会会长)Professor Zhang Haipeng (The academic committeeman of the Chinese Academy
许嘉璐先生致 “正定教堂惨案暨宗教在战时的人道主义救助” 学术研讨会及与会朋友们的函|The Letter of Mr. Xu Jialu 许嘉璐先生:前全国人大常委会副委员长、复旦大学宗教与国际关系研究中心学术委员会主任 Former Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Nati
张士江神父 在“正定教堂惨案暨宗教在战时的人道主义救助”学术研讨会上的致辞|Speech of Fr.John B. Zhang at the Opening Ceremony 张士江神父 信德文化研究所所长 Fr.John B. Zhang (Director of Faith Institute for Cultural Studies)
为文主教纪念室牌匾揭幕 The Unveiling Ceremony of the plaque of Bishop Frans Schraven's Memorial Plaque 揭幕者:河北修院院长封新卯主教、文致和主教家乡鲁尔蒙德教区德隆辅理主教 jointly Conducted by: Msgr. Peter Feng Xinmao (Rector of Hebei Catholic Major Seminary), Msgr. Everhard de Jong (Auxiliary Bishop of Roermond Diocese, the Netherlands later Bishop Schraven's home Diocese)
为煕笃会圣母神乐院1937年所立纪念碑揭幕 The Unveiling Ceremony of the Memorial Tablet Set for Our Lady of Joy Abbey 揭幕者:高豪神父(煕笃会圣母神乐院院长)、李占江神父 (河北省天主教神学院常务副院长)jointedly conducted by: Fr. Paul Kao, OCSO(Superior of Our Lady of Joy Abbey, Hong Kong),Fr. Joseph Li Zhanjiang (Executive Vice-Rector of Hebei Catholic Major Seminary)
主持人: 方建平主教 Chair: Msgr.Peter Fang Jianping (河北省天主教神哲学院董事长 Chair of the Board of Hebei Catholic Major Seminary)
10月28日 下午(河北师范大学 Hebei Normal University) Afternoon, October 28th
第一场 Session I(Keynote Speech)
文明危机与人性复苏| The Crisis of Civilization and Recovery of Humanity 章开沅教授 Prof. Zhang Kaiyuan (华中师范大学Central China (Huazhong) Normal University)
主持人Chair:戴建兵教授(河北师大副校长)Prof. Dai Jianbing
第二场 Session II
泊林芝修士的一生(1909-1937)|The Life of Brother Ladislaus Prinz CM (1909-1937) 柳学文神父 遣使会波兰省区 Pawel Wierzbick Poland Province of the Congregation of the Mission
围绕正定惨案的迷雾:问题和答案|FOG BANKS AROUND THE MASSACRE OF ZHENGDING CHURCH Questions and (provisional) answe Mr. Vincent Hermans 鲁汶大学南怀仁研究所 Verbiest Institute Catholic University Louvain Belgium
日文资料中的正定教堂惨案|Materials in Japanese concerning Zhengding Church Massacre 松隈康史 (日本天主教主教团秘书处周报局编辑、代主编)Mr. Anthony Yasufumi Matsukuma
主持人Chair:王美秀教授 Prof. Wang Meixiu (中国社科院世界宗教研究所 China Academy of Social Sciences Institute of world R
第三场 Session III
活菩萨赵朴初在抗战中的人道主义救助 | Living Buddha Zhao Pu-Chu’s humanitarian assistance during the Anti-Japanese War 钱耕森 Prof. Qian Gengsen (安徽大学宗教学研究中心) (Center of Religious Studies, Anhui University)
正定教堂惨案的受害者柴慎成神父和方济·弗雷德修士:两位在中国并肩工作的奥地利遣使会会士 Fr. Thomas Ceska C.M., (1872 -1937) victim of the Massac
主持人Chair:韩德力神父 Fr.Jeroom Heyndrickx, CICM
10月29日(河北师范大学 Hebei Normal University) October 29th
第四场 Session IV(分场 A Group Ⅰ)
关于1938年山西垣曲荷兰神父胡永生因保护难民 而被日军杀害一事的调查 On the Investigation of the Killing of the Dutch Priest Fr. Hu Y
南市难民区的建立和国际人道法的订立 | Establishment of the Nanshi refugee district and legislation of the internati 张 化 Prof.Zhang Hua (上海社会科学院宗教研究所) (The Religion Research Institute of Shanghai Academy of Social
饶家驹和南市难民区| P. Jaequinot de Besange S.J. and Nanshi Refugee Zone 王伟 Associate Researcher. Wang Wei (上海大学) ( Shanghai University)
上海圣彼得堂抗战时期人道主义的救助活动 | On the Humanitarian Relief Activities of St. Peter’s Church in Shanghai Duri 段琦 Prof. Duan qi (中国社科院世界宗教研究所) (The Institute of World Religions,Chinese Academy of Social Scienc
基督教的人道主义救援与公益慈善 | The Humanitarian Aid and Philanthropy of the Christian Church 宫哲兵 Prof. Gong Zhebin(武汉大学哲学学院宗教学系) (The School of Philosophy of Wuhan University)
人道救助:理解宗教与战争关系的一条线索|Humanitarian assistance: a clue to understand the relationship between religion 张志鹏 Prof. Zhang zhipeng (安徽工业大学) (Business College, AnHui University of Technology )
主持人Chair:刘家峰教授 Prof. Liu Jiafeng(山东大学历史文化学院 School of History and Culture of Shandong university)
第五场 Session V(分场 B Group Ⅱ)
二十世纪三四十年代天主教在塞北的慈善与人道救助 | The Humanitarian Aid of the Catholic Church in Saibei Area (north of th 徐建平Xu Jianping (河北师大历史文化学院) School of history and culture,Hebei Normal University
和平,就是最大的人道主义|Peace is the Greatest Humanism 赵建敏 Fr. Peter Zhao (北京天主教与文化研究所) (Beijing Institute for the study of Christianity and Cultur
河北宗教界的抗日战争| The Anti-Japanese Struggle of the Religious Communities in Hebei 鞠志强 Ju Zhiqiang 《河北宗教史》主编 Chief Editor of “The Chronicles of Hebei Religions”
天主教在河北的碑石文化 The Monument Culture of the Catholic Church in Hebei 戴建兵 Prof. Dai Jianbing 河北师范大学 Heb
善良的人是和平的使者 Men of Good Will are Agents of Peace Pst. Harold Toledano (哲学神学院Order of the Discalced A
主持人Chair:吴义雄教授 Prof. Wu Yixiong(中山大学历史学系教授 History Department of Zhongshan University)
第六场 Session VI(分场 A Group Ⅰ)
天主教堂与正定 | The Catholic church and Zhengding 申新海 Director.Shen Xinhai (正定县政协文史) (Culture and History Committee of the Political Consultative
多维视角下的正定天主堂惨案 | TheZhengding Catholic Church Massacre Under the Multi-Dimensional Perspectiv 王德硕 Prof. Wang Deshuo (复旦大学国际关系与公共事务学院国际政治系) (Department of International Politics, Fudan Universit
在华基督教会的对日宣言——以《教务杂志》两封对日公开信为中心 | The declaration to Japan by the Protestant Christian Church in Chi 孔陈焱 Antonio Kong (复旦大学宗教与国际关系研究中心) (Department of International Politics, Fudan University )
抗战时期华东地区回族慈善救济活动 | The Ethnic Hui’s Charitable Rescue in East China During the Anti-Japanese War 洪伟 Hong Wei 薛莉 Xue Li (南京理工大学人文与社会科学学院) (School of Humanities and Social Sciences Nanjing univers
身份、信仰与慈善事业——《魏特琳日记》一个角度的解读简记 | Identities , Faith And Philanthropies—One Abbreviated Record of Jinl 董丛林 Prof. Dong Conglin (河北师大历史文化学院) ( School of history and culture.Hebei Normal University)
主持人Chair:段琦教授 Prof. Duan Qi(中国社科院世界宗教研究所 The Institute of World Religions,Chinese Academy of Social
第七场 Session VII(分场 B Group Ⅱ)
中日战争时期圣言会在山东的人道主义援助 | The Humanitarian Aid Services of the Divine Word Missionaries during the Sino 张燕霞 Zhang Yanxia (德国圣奥斯定大学) (Sankt Augustin University of Deutschland)
战火中的福音:从1895年中日山东战事看基督教传教士与甲午战争 | The Good News in the Midst of War: To Look at the Christian Miss 张德明:Post-doctoral. Zhang Deming (中国社科院近代史所) (Institute of Modern History,Chinese Academy of Socia
明清之际天主教在华慈善救助事业初探 | Primary investigation of Catholic charity in China during Late Ming and Ear 胡文婷 Hu Wenting (北京外国语大学中国海外研究中心) (Beijing Foreign Studies University research centre of Overseas S
人类能否避免大屠杀重演——从“辛德勒现象”说开去 | Can human beings avoid the recurrence of slaughter –Talking from the “S 彭剑 Prof. Peng Jian (华中师范大学中国近代史研究所) (Institute of Modern Chinese History, Central China Normal Uni
雷鸣远神父“我为爱中国而生,为爱中国而死”的爱国行实 | Fr. Vincent Lebbe’s Practices of “Living and Dying for the Love of Chi 李国伟 Li Guowei (安国德来小妹妹会) (The Little Sisters of St. Theresa of the Holy Child in Anguo)
雷鸣远神父的本地化思想和抗日行动 | Fr. Vincent Lebbe’s Ideas of Inculturation and Anti-Japanese Activities 任继远 Ren Jiyuan. Chief-editor 《河北宗教史》主编 Chief Editor of “The Chronicles of Hebei Religions”
第八场 Session VIII
在全世界为所有人群和宗教缔造和平的帕西•盎林绿色学校|Pasir Angling Green School Promoting Peace on Earth to all people and Rel Gai Suhardja, Lay Hok Tjoan (文化研究论坛研究员/马拉纳萨-上主来吧, 基督教大学Maranatha Christian University/ Lecturer Foru
为和好过程的准备程度:印尼华侨基督教徒的个案|Readiness level for Reconciliation Process: Case of Chinese Indonesian Chris Rev. Robby i Chandra and Julia (印度尼西亚西爪哇岛的基督教会,前身为中华基督教会)(The Indonesian Christian Church of west Ja
日本人占领山东南部和传教士的慈善工|The Japanese occupation of Shandong South area and Charity Work of Missionaries 雷立柏 Prof. Leopold Leeb (中国人民大学文学院 Renmin University, School of Liberal Arts)
北京辅仁大学在抗日战争时期的贡献|The Merits of Furen University during the Japanese Resistance War 雷立柏 Prof. Leopold Leeb (中国人民大学文学院 Renmin University, School of Liberal Arts)
主持人Chair:赵建敏神父 Fr.Peter Zhao(北京天主教与文化研究所 Beijing Institute for the study of Christianity and Culture
第九场 Session Ⅸ
LOVE EXECUSIONER:A History of Vincentian Fathers and Brothers being a witness of Faith through Chari
闭幕式 Closing ceremony
在“正定教堂惨案暨宗教在战时的人道主义救助”学术研讨会上的致辞闭幕词 | The Speech of Fr.Paul Han at the Ending 韩清平神父 Fr.Paul Han Qingping (信德文化研究所副所长) (Faith Institute for Cultural Studies)
高士洁女士致研讨会的专函 | The Letter of Gao Shijie 高士洁 The Daughter of An Anti-Japanese General
主持人Chair:徐建平教授 Prof. Xu Jianping(河北师大历史文化学院 School of history and culture,Hebei Normal University)
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